the only thing I prophesy is what every must know his Low, and Low error of Christentum is what between you and the Low given by god appears others who permanently say that you hurt them; Christ did not say: 'love yourself less than another', but 'love near as love yourself', and I say:"love yourself not less than the near", not 'love yourself while have not the near', and not 'love near than have an offence to self', but "love the near when you want that he will not move away from you", "for the rest him here beside you", that not nearness is the criterium of what should be loved, but "who hurts you the less should be loved the more, it is you who must say who has hurted you the most, you are a little god judging all the nears, do not make the nears nearer or you must then judge yourself, from time to time all being changed around but you are still remaining" (I am assured: while the second coming Christ will make you clear what it means - 'you', 'sin', 'a good', an 'evil', but not me: Antichrist is white lier, and he never would have said the truth known by him)