notion of grace evolution: 1) descent of saint spirit into man's mind must secure impotence of evil deed (saint Paul), 2) help to the chosen (predestination by saint Augustin), 3) remedy for realization of God's will to saving the chosen (saint Luter): impotention to evil deed - help - remedy; 1) one have grace, 2) only the chosen have grace, 3) only having the grace is chosen:
I insist on what it is way of misreleasing, killing any hope, and instead of that way I sist (put) you into the way where as you love another - he also answer by enough loving, where your love to another one makes him love you, and it is all grace consisted in the coming back of the good, grace is a mode of increasing of the good, is always be thanked, without striving to do and to take something good; and what is there thanked could be only good will, grace is a returning of a good without your intention, no love without the grace and no grace without good will, - because of why could be the love without this return and this thankfulness? and there is not a circulus vitiosus? because there is not any intention for that returning and if another could not-have known our intenion for pleasing him